
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #273

Symmetry – the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other across a line, a plane or around an axis.

Sofia of photographias blog challenges us to show images that illustrate symmetry …..and more than that those images which show how symmetry is “an important tool to compose strong and appealing photos”.

She also says the “symmetries don’t necessarily need to be perfect either, with both sides exactly the same.” well that’s a relief as I’ve pulled out a few of those like the swans at the top – not quite a reflection of one another but I feel it demonstrates how symmetrical compositions augment the appeal of a photograph.

There’s many examples of symmetry in nature. Here’s one butterfly.

That’s a Dark Green Fritillary – I know it’s orange but there’s dark green on the underside. I really like that image with it’s diagonal line of symmetry. But if I straighten the image up like with the Red Admiral below, does it increase the impact?

But these butterflies are granted their symmetry by nature. We too are symmetrical (in the main) – is that why we like symmetry? And when we build anything more often than not we settle for a symmetrical design. Cue some old buildings.

Pollock House, Glasgow.
The Winter Gardens at the People’s Palace, Glasgow
Paisley Abbey

I remember thinking about where I’d take these images from. I was clearly looking for symmetry. And then I did it again …. a Ferrari.

With man made subjects it’s not so hard to get that absolute symmetrical look but with nature it can be a little harder like the swans — but then there are always faces. Here’s a little owl.

And finally what happens when someone turns his back on his two friends

Suggestions for a caption for that final photograph are very welcome.

Thanks to Sofia for setting the challenge. If you’d like to see her marvellous examples of photographic symmetry then just click HERE.

18 thoughts on “Symmetry”

  1. hahah always great fun to go through your photos and captions. The swans and the owl are fantastic. The abbey stunning. And a caption for the last (great) photo. “That moment when the earliest bird DID get the worm.”

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  2. Terrific examples James – the Abbey capture is marvelous. I always struggle with similar compositions, that one is spot on. Also loved the owl and the 3 little birds. I wish I were clever enough to suggest a caption. Instead I’ll keep checking back to see if anyone else does!

    Liked by 1 person

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